What Is Sleep Paralysis and How to Deal With It
What if you woke up paralyzed? A dark and spine-chilling entity approaches your bed, looking straight in your eyes and smiling threateningly ; it knows you can’t move. It slowly climbs your bed, staring at you malevolently. It moves over your chest and you feel its extreme weight preventing you from breathing. You desperately try shouting for help, but no sound comes out of your mouth. Sounds like a nightmare? No. This is a documented medical condition known as sleep paralysis … and it’ll happen at least once to most people!
How to Lucid Dream: Learn to Control your Dreams!
What is a lucid dream? In a lucid dream, you are aware that you’re dreaming. This allows you to vividly experience and remember your dreams. But most importantly, you can control them. Although lucid dreams can occur spontaneously, lucid dreaming is a skill that can quickly be learned by anyone. Lucid dreams are similar to…